\r\n Coordinates of a Point\r\n
\r\n The position of any object lying in a plane\r\n can be represented by its distance from two perpendicular axes (lines). These axes are called coordinate axes, and the distances from these two axes used in specifying the location of\r\n the object are called its coordinates.
\r\n The coordinates of a point in a plane is represented by a pair of numbers ( x , y ). The x value represents the horizontal location, while y represents the vertical location.
\r\n These coordinates are measured in relation to a central point called the origin. The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0).\r\n
Positive x-coordinates are to the right of the origin, and negative x-coordinates are to the left. Positive y-coordinates are above the origin, and negative y-coordinates are below.
\r\n Let's take an example.Consider a point with coordinates (5,2). This point would be located 5 units to the right and 2 units above the origin. Similarly, a point with coordinates (3, -4) would be located 3 units to the right and 4 units below the origin.\r\n
\r\n Learn Interactively | Coordinates of a Point\r\n
Session Objectives
\r\n Shown on the graph below is a point named P. You will learn to find the coordinates of point P using a step by step approach.\r\n
Getting Started
\r\n Point P is draggable. Start by placing the point P at a location of your choice.\r\n Then, use the navigation icons at the bottom of the graph to learn how to determine the coordinates of this point in a step by step fashion. Tap on the
icon to go to one step forward.Tap on the
icon to go to one step backward.
\r\n Once done, you can move the point around and see how its coordinates change in real time. To practice with a new point position, simply tap on the
icon to shuffle the point position. Tap on the
icon to start over.\r\n