\r\n Let's say \\(f(x)\\) is a continuous function over an interval \\([a, b]\\).\r\n Then there exists a point \\(x=c\\) in this interval such that —\r\n $$ f(c)(b-a) = \\int_a^b f(x)dx$$\r\n The value of function \\(f\\) at \\(x=c\\) is then called its average value over the interval \\([a, b]\\).\r\n
\r\n\n Shown in this MagicGraph is the graph of a function \\(f(x)\\) that is continous over the interval [a, b].
\r\n You are also shown a point \\(c\\) that can slide on the graph. You can slide this point on the curve using the slider shown.\r\n
\r\n To find the average value of the function \\(f\\), slide the point \\(c\\) on the graph until the area under the white rectangle becomes equal to the area under the red curve.\r\n
\r\n You can tap on icon to go to next function.\r\n You can tap on the icon to go to previous function.\r\n