\n Let's say you're given a circle.\r\n Now, imaging walking along the edge of this circle until you get back to where you started.\r\n Then, the total distance traveled is defined as the circumference of the circle.\r\n
\r\n\n The circumference of a circle of radius R is given by\r\n $$L = 2 \\times\\pi \\times R$$\r\n where \\(\\pi = 22/7\\).\n
\r\n\r\n This MagicGraph let's student learn about circumference of a circle using an interactive approach.\r\n You are given a coin of radius R. The radius of the coin can be set using the slider shown in the MagicGraph.\r\n Then, tap on the Go button to let the coin roll.\r\n The linear distance traveled by the coin until it has rolled a complete circle equals the circumference.\r\n